Our training materials are available on MedEdPORTAL.
Please use the links below to access recordings of an early version of our training, conducted at Samuel Merritt University in January 2016. Embedded below is an introduction to this training from SCWG co-coordinator Shirley Strong (previous Chief Diversity Officer at Samuel Merritt University).
Part 1: Social Structures and Patient Health
Part 2: Social Structures and The Practice of Healthcare
Part 3: Structural Intervention
For a more recent version, led by coordinators Shirley and Josh, click here. The training starts at 20 minutes; unfortunately, the sound quality is suboptimal.
For an abbreviated version of the training, please see the following videos from UC Riverside’s How We Heal conference.
Part 1
Part 2 (Starts at 6:15)
Please click here to find our recommended reading list.