
Information on SCWG workshops Continue Reading Workshops


We offer a half-day structural competency workshop that has been implemented numerous times with diverse health profession audiences, including students and practitioners of medicine, nursing, social work, and public health, among other professions. Our training includes didactic, participatory, and reflective modules discussing the core concepts of structural competency and their implications for healthcare training and practice.

2023 SCWG Services Rates

Standard Workshop: Our standard workshop is a 3-4 hour structural competency training that covers fundamental concepts and definitions. This workshop is co-facilitated by three SCWG members. We provide virtual and in person trainings and we have trainers located around the country. Included in this cost is a one-hour meeting with a co-facilitator, as well as an expected two hours of preparation work by the facilitation team. Cost for in person or zoom standard training: $3,000

Workshop Facilitation: We offer a two-day intensive workshop series that is catered towards educators, with a focus on incorporating the structural competency framework into the course curriculum. These sessions are typically full-day in length, with both interactive and lecture components. Included in the cost is a one-hour preparation meeting with a co-facilitator prior to the workshop series. Cost: $5,000 for the series

Consultation Work: our training and workshop fees include the cost of one preparation meeting with an SCWG team member. If your organization would like to schedule additional preparation or consultation meetings with our team, we can offer that service for a fee: $300/hour of consultation work

Development of New Material: The SCWG has adapted the core training and workshop series for multiple different disciplines and settings, and we have a wide variety of content to offer you. If you would like us to expand our training or develop new material, we can offer this service for a fee: $150/hour for prep work to develop new/expand the standard training or educators’ workshops. Typically the development of new material follows consultation meetings with members of the SCWG team (see previous section)

Travel Costs: We are excited to travel to your organization to share this content in person. We ask that your organization cover travel costs for our team in addition to training and consultation fees. This includes the cost to cover airfare, lodging, and ground transportation. 

Sliding Scale Options: If your group does not have a budget capable of covering our fees, please inquire about sliding scale options. We believe that training in social structures is essential for the training of health professionals, as well as necessary for addressing our society’s disparities in health and healthcare. As such, we certainly do not want cost to be a barrier to accessing our training and we are committed to working with any budget. 

*Please talk with us about another option if you do not see what you are looking for here on our website.