
Hear what healthcare providers and other participants have to say about our workshops
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Expand Your Knowledge

As a nurse, I have been trained to not see, for example, a foot infection as just that but why is there an infection and what are all the causative factors. This training expands on that to factors beyond that one person’s control.”


“I was familiar with general, social, political, economic, and structures that contribute to health disparities, but this training enlarged my knowledge and took it to another level.” 

“This session elucidated many more of the details of structural inequalities, and the importance of structural competency. This session also gave me the vocabulary to describe many phenomena I have noticed.”


“A starting point for getting involved in the structural components for our health.”


“I was informed about the terms used to identify the inequities I witness on a daily basis. Having the terms helps make it somewhat manageable. I also gained the knowledge to know what’s going on and learned how to intervene.”

“The framework and proper terminology of structural competency were new to me. I have considered  and thought about the components of structural competency multiple times in the past, but now, I feel like I have a much better understanding of what it actually entails.”

Gain New Understanding

“I learned about the history/evolution of the concepts/terminology, levels of intervention, had a chance to think back on my own perceptions/assumption, reframing my own patient interactions.”

“Learned about the ways we normalize inequality, and how it directly applies to our own lives and practices. It was helpful to see how we can go back in time to look at systems of structural violence, and how it impacts all the events that lead up to showing up in the hospital.”

“Important to know that our actions with our patients and “persuading”/encouraging them to change behavior is not the only way to enact the change that will improve health.”


“It will forever influence my practice from personal, interpersonal, professional, academic learning. It makes me question more instead of being complacent.”


“Trained on how to break down and contextualize a particular structure of healthcare. Found ways to integrate structural intervention to bring change and experiment in system where structural violence is present.”